Perfect Vision Women Tanzania Projects and Programs

Perfect Vision Women Tanzania Programs

Perfect Vision Women Tanzania focuses on empowering women through health education, economic independence, gender equality, and educational support. Our programmes are dedicated to providing essential resources, skills, and opportunities to help women overcome barriers and achieve their full potential.

We are committed to improving the overall health and well-being of women by providing essential education and access to critical health services. Our initiatives focus on key areas such as menstrual health and hygiene, ensuring that women and girls have the resources they need to manage their health with dignity and safety. Through our Menstrual Health and Hygiene Management project, we produce and distribute reusable sanitary pads, and we also offer health insurance to women in need, addressing a fundamental aspect of women’s empowerment.

Economic independence is crucial for women’s empowerment. Our projects are designed to equip women with the skills and resources they need to achieve financial autonomy. The Crafting Her Future Project is a cornerstone of our economic empowerment efforts, where we provide sewing training to women and supply sewing machines to those who complete the program. By enabling women to start their businesses, we help them secure a stable income and contribute to their communities.

Gender equality and humanitarian support are at the heart of our work. We strive to support women in vulnerable situations through targeted interventions. Our Remember the Forgotten Project focuses on assisting those who are often overlooked, such as the elderly, disabled, and impoverished families. Through regular home visits, we provide essential items like food, clothing, and other necessities, ensuring that these groups receive the support they need to live with dignity.

Education is a powerful tool for empowerment, and we are dedicated to ensuring that women and girls have access to educational opportunities. The Bring Her Back to School Project is designed to help girls who have dropped out of school to return to their education by securing sponsorships. Our volunteers play a crucial role in identifying potential sponsors and facilitating the process, helping to create a brighter future for young women.

Perfect Vision Women Tanzania Projects

Our key projects include Menstrual Health and Hygiene Management, Crafting Her Future, Bring Her Back to School, and Remember the Forgotten. Each project is designed to address specific needs, from providing reusable sanitary pads to offering vocational training and supporting vulnerable groups through home visits. These projects are the heart of our mission to create lasting positive change in the lives of Tanzanian women.

This project is essential for promoting women’s health and dignity. By making and distributing reusable sanitary pads, we help women and girls manage their menstrual health effectively. Additionally, we offer health insurance to those in need, ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent them from accessing necessary health services.

Economic empowerment begins with skills development. Through this project, women receive comprehensive sewing training and are provided with sewing machines upon graduation. This initiative empowers women to start their businesses, achieve financial independence, and contribute to their communities’ economic growth.

Education is a fundamental right, and this project focuses on helping girls return to school by finding sponsorships. Our volunteers are instrumental in connecting with potential sponsors and ensuring that these girls have the support they need to continue their education.


Vulnerable groups often fall through the cracks in society, but we are committed to ensuring that no one is left behind. Through this project, we conduct home visits to provide food, clothing, and other essential items to those in need. Our goal is to support these individuals and help them live with dignity.

3. Training Services

Your Role as a Volunteer

Volunteers are the backbone of Perfect Vision Women Tanzania, playing a vital role in the success of our projects. Your contributions, whether through time, skills, or financial support, are crucial to achieving our mission.

You can help us raise funds to support our various projects. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a significant impact on the lives of the women we serve.

Assisting in writing proposals can help us secure necessary funding from a variety of sources, enabling us to expand our reach and effectiveness.

Get directly involved in our work by participating in projects such as crafting reusable sanitary pads, providing skills training, or taking part in home visits to support vulnerable groups. Your hands-on involvement will have a lasting impact on the communities we serve.